Become A Metro Pet Crematory Provider

Since 2006, our company's list of partnering veterinary hospitals has been steadily increasing. Our company is now the largest provider of veterinary aftercare service support within HRM. We are proud to say we partner with many of the most prominent and respected veterinary practices in our area.
Our company is able to handle all aspects of veterinary hospital aftercare needs. Our company can work with your veterinary practice to make it easier for staff and more importantly, your clients, when dealing with pet mortality.
As a pet health care provider, your clients place their pet's health and well being in your hands. When it comes to end of life decisions, your clients turn to you to provide them with the most sound and professional service options. Your clients should not have their pets sent to out of city locations with questionable operations. Your clients should also be provided the option of receiving their pet back in the highest quality pet urn, with a selection that best meets their needs. You're putting your clinics future and reputation in the hands of a 3rd party. You should only be trusting, on your client's behalf, an industry expert.
If your company is not partnering with ours and you would like more information on our services, please contact our office. We are always looking to establish new relationships with veterinary practices. The standards that Metro Pet Crematory Inc. operates rivals the human aftercare industry. We look forward to the ability to share our high level of professionalism and expertise.